New in 2025 for Deep Flow / webradio / spices / digital
Dec 21 after 5 years of running my company Deep Flow
2 years to the day the beginning of Deep Flow Metal our first webradio.
We will have followed the same year Alternative Flow and EEflow our bilingual and French radios in order
the Creation of the playlist New BAND,
we have received to date more than 1000 songs from emerging and already active groups in the field, from more than 160 cities around the world.
This Year here is our official webshop
we also have an Affiliate program for our US and CA markets
Register Here : https://dfspices.goaffpro.com/
Dfspices have Now New Coffee Shop on our US Market USA only
And we end on a good note, by presenting to you 2 of our participation in the education of our young people towards the musical succession by sharing $ 1 of all our orders with these 2 music schools of San Francisco and Lévis
Blue Bear School Of Music
École de musique l'Accroche Notes
I studied there myself years ago.
I wish you a good 2025
for Peace / People / Music /
Deep Flow